
The Significance and Meaning of 108

This is Evolving Yogi’s 108th post!!! And since this number frequently appears in yoga and Hinduism I thought this would be the perfect time to delve into why it’s so sacred to this culture. 

Fundamentally, 108 has appeared in arbitrary places across astrology, astronomy, mathematics, and Hindu medicine. In aggregating all of these occurrences, the Vedic sages came to believe that 108 represents a sign, and the path toward, cosmic energy and connecting to The Divine. 

This unity is how we not only discover our Higher Self but it empowers us to attune to the way that we’re all interconnected. In attaining this vibrational quality, it produces a profound sense of peace. We’re no longer suffering and we experience nirvana. 

I’ve compiled a list of the most common indicators that have been mentioned in this folklore.  Please know that there is a lot of falsity out there. The following are from legitimate sources only: 

Astronomy & Mathematics

The Italian Astronomer, Mathematician, and Philosopher Galileo said, “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.”

The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the distance between it and the Earth, as is the diameter of the Moon and its distance to Earth1

Is a bit of a fascination as it fits into wide variety of special circumstances as an Achilles, a tetranacci, an abundant, a Harshad, a hyperfactorial, semiperfect, and is refactorable2

Vedic Astrology 

9 planets pass through 12 houses, 12×9 = 1083.

There are 27 constellations that are divided into 4 quarters, 27×4= 1084.


The heart chakra is said to be formed by the convergence of 108 lines of energy5.

There are 108 marma points in the body (plus one for the mind) where joints, bones, veins, muscles, and ligaments intersect. These are considered sites of “life energy.6” 


Sanskrit, a language that is known for the sounds of cosmic energy vibration, has 54 letters so  there are 108 integrations for Shakti (feminine) and Shiva (masculine) configuration7.

In Sanskrit, Harshad (see above) translates to “joy giver.”

A mala has 108 beads which is for mantra meditation. This practice is believed to have started from the Mokugenji Sutra, a text from 4th century BCE. Buddha’s advice to a king “King, if you want eliminate earthly desires and to put an end to their suffering, make a circular string of 108 beads from the seeds of Mokugenji tree. Hold it to yourself. Recite “Namo Buddha- Namo Dharma- Namo sangha” Count one bead with each recitation.” 

The Sanskrit mantra translates as, “devotion to awakening (enlightenment), the dedication to the right way of living, a devotion to the community (all beings)8.”  

The main concepts of Hinduism, known as the Upanishads, have 108 principles9.

Pitha, means “seat of Shakti” the female goddess who destroys evil. To commune with her, there are 108 destinations scattered throughout various places in Asia where people go to purify themselves10


We practice 108 Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) as a challenge of strength for the mind and body. We cleanse our thoughts in order to be present and physically detoxify in sweat. Especially practiced around the time of seasonal equinoxes as these are times of new beginnings11

In Conclusion

Whether 108 truly signifies connecting the planets in our galaxy, the Earth, and our being; all of this is on our own terms for interpretation. But even the tiniest belief in magic can be a seed for hope and optimism that serenity is possible. 

Or perhaps witnessing its appearance can be a gentle reminder for what our spiritual purpose should be…

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/108_(number) ↩︎
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/108_(number) ↩︎
  3. https://www.theartofvedicastrology.com/?page_id=146 ↩︎
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakshatra ↩︎
  5. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/astrology/numerology-tarot/number-108-know-the-power-of-this-sacred-number/articleshow/108138122.cms# ↩︎
  6. https://chopra.com/blogs/ayurveda/learn-all-about-marma-point-therapy#google_vignette ↩︎
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXaRPBIOYs0 ↩︎
  8. https://www.goldenlotusmala.com/pages/history-of-mala-beads ↩︎
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upanishads ↩︎
  10. https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/pitha ↩︎
  11. https://youaligned.com/yoga/meaning-108-sun-salutations/ ↩︎